
IN-POWER Workshop on InP DHBT technology activities in Europe

On the 8-9th of October 2015 the IN-POWER consortium organized a workshop event at III-V Lab’s location in Palaiseau, France. This workshop aimed at bringing together research groups in Europe presently active in the development of InP HBT technology. The workshop covered the main device technologies developed across Europe, their modelling effort, and results on integrated circuit level. The workshop was well attended with 25 participants. A number of international experts were invited to speak at the workshop.

Invited speakers

    • Nils Weimann, FBH

       “InP-on-BiCMOS transferred substrate technology at FBH”

    • Colombo Bolognesi, ETH-Zurich

       “InP/GaAsSb DHBTs and MMICs”  

    • Mohammed Zaknoune, IEMN

       “InP HBT technology development at IEMN”  

    • Cristell Maneux, IMS

      “InP DHBT simulations using TCAD tools”

    • Viktor Krozer, GUF

       “Millimeter-wave signal generation using InP MMIC DHBT technology”

    • Herbert Zirath, Chalmers

    “High datarate wireless communication based on multifunction 250 nm DHBT MMICs”


The IN-POWER project acknowledge the support from the European Union within the FP7 programme
12 DECEMBER 2024